It shall have black lettering on a yellow background and shall be located to be visible as the
operator enters the cab, or is seated. Sound level shall not exceed 93 dB(A). Backup alarm. When specified (see 6.2), a backup alarm conforming to SAE J994, type
A, B or C shall be furnished.
3.3.5 Electromagnetic interference (EMI). The forklift shall be in accordance with the following
radiated emission and susceptibility requirements of MIL-STD-461: RE102 and RS103.
3.3.6 Human engineering. The forklift shall be designed in accordance with MIL-STD-1472 for
ease of operation, inspection, and maintenance, including the use of arctic mittens and Mission-
Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Level 4 Chemical Warfare Gear.
3.3.7 Fastening devices. All screws, bolts, nuts, pins, and other fastening devices shall be
properly designed, manufactured, and installed with adequate means of preventing loss of torque
or adjustment. Cotter pins, lock washers, or nylon patches shall not be used for this purpose,
except for the attachment of trim items or as provided in commercial components. Tapped
threads shall have a minimum thread engagement in accordance with TABLE I.
TABLE I. Minimum thread engagement.
Minimum Thread Engagement
1.0 times the nominal fastener diameter
Cast iron, brass, or bronze
1.5 times the nominal fastener diameter
Aluminum, zinc, or plastic
2.0 times the nominal fastener diameter
3.3.8 Welders and welding. Welding procedures shall be in accordance with a nationally
recognized welding code. The surface parts to be welded shall be free from rust, scale, paint,
grease, and other foreign matter. Welds shall be of sufficient size and shape to develop the full
strength of the welded parts. Welds shall transmit stress without cracking or permanent
distortion when the parts connected by the welds are subjected to test, proof, and service
3.3.9 Design. The forklift shall be designed for safe operation with the rated load capacity
(see at all lift heights, reaches, fork tilts, and fork positions that the forklift is capable of
achieving. The forklift shall be designed for a safety factor (based on material yield strength) of
at least three times the rated load. Rated load. The rated load shall be 4,000 pounds at a horizontal and vertical load center
of 24 inches. The fork tines shall be rated for at least 6,000 pounds for use in operations that
require little (minimum 10 ft.) or no horizontal reach. The horizontal load center is defined as
the horizontal distance from the load carrying surface of the load backrest to the center of gravity
of the load. The vertical load center is the vertical distance from the upper (load carrying)
surfaces of the forks to the center of gravity of the load.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business