3.10.4 Load backrest. A metal load backrest, removable without disturbing any other component, shall be provided. There shall be no protruding bolts or appendages beyond the side plane of the load backrest. The load backrest in conjunction with fork and carriage design shall provide a vertical rear guard at least 48 inches high measured from load carrying surfaces of the forks. It shall have width and capacity and strength sufficient to prevent a rated load
48 inches high or less from forcing the backrest against the upright when the mast is at maximum rearward tilt. The backrest shall be capable of withstanding without permanent deformation a horizontal static load equal to the rated load uniformly distributed over the area, from the top carrying surface of the forks to the top of the backrest for not less than 3 minutes.
3.11 Steering. An automotive type steering wheel shall be furnished. There shall be a minimum of 7 inches measured vertically between the lowest point on the steering wheel rim and a line parallel to the floor and passing through the highest point of the unoccupied seat cushion. There shall be a minimum of 3 inches between the rim of the steering wheel and the directional control lever(s) for all positions of the lever(s). Ackermann steering shall be applied. Clock-wise rotation of the steering wheel shall provide for
right-hand turning of the truck while in forward motion. Provision shall be made for adjustment for wear and alignment of all major steering components and for lubrication, if required, of all friction points by accessible grease fittings, packing the bearings or permanent lubrication. The truck shall negotiate the obstacle course in the reliability test with only the displaced wheel off the ground at any time. Means shall be provided to prevent wheels or tires or steering linkage from contacting any part of truck structure, other than stops, irrespective of obstacle magnitude or steer angle. The steer wheels shall be capable of being turned from extreme right to extreme left or vice versa in not more than six complete turns of the hand steering wheel. Power steering shall be furnished and shall conform to SAE J53. In the event of power steering pump failure or engine failure, the forces required to steer the vehicle shall not exceed the limits specified in SAE J53.
3.12 Brakes.
3.12.1 Service brake system. The brake system shall conform to ANSI B56.1. Power brakes shall be provided and shall charge the system to maximum power setting within 2 minutes when the brake actuating energy is fully exhausted. If hydraulic brakes are utilized, the brake system fluid shall be in accordance with MIL-B-46176. If air brakes are furnished, an air drying system with provisions to drain water from the air reservoir(s) shall be provided in the air system. An audible visual low power warning device shall also be provided with an air brake system. Automatic or manual brake adjustment shall be provided. Automatic adjustment shall maintain correct lining to drum or disc adjustment without looseness or lockup. The automatic adjusters shall be of the guarded or enclosed type, protected from environmental damage or malfunction. In the event of power assisted failure, the force the operator must exert on the brake pedal to hold the truck stationary on a 20 percent grade under all loading conditions shall not exceed
70 pounds.
3.12.2 Parking brake. Truck shall be equipped with an independent mechanical friction parking brake mounted on the drive or propeller shaft
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